Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thoroughly Modern Muzzy VanHossmere!

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Here's just a little clip from "Thoroughly Modern Millie" produced by IFYAC, November, 2013. Loved, loved, loved playing Muzzy VanHossmere!

I didn't get involved with IFYAC theatre this year, Fall Musical or Summer Theatre Camp.
I'm mostly staying at home trying to help Kirk regain his health.

Kick Up Your Heels!

Activity Days "Take A Hike" Activity

Activity Day Girls' June Activity

Thursday we took our adorable 8 to 11 year old Activity Day Girls on a nature trail hike to Cress Creek. It's near Heise Hot Springs. We were blessed with a beautiful, sunny day! The hike was about a mile and a half long. The trail makes a loop; up the mountain side we trekked, ate our sack lunches, then down the mountain to our cars. Blissful day!  Would recommend this activity to anyone. It's an easy hike, the first half mile being wheel chair (and baby stroller!) accessible. Colorful signs are all along the trail with interesting information about history and nature. Most of all the girls loved the wildflowers, playing in the creek and little streams. and seeing a "chick-monk!" Great trial run for our July Activity Day, Krupp Scout Hollow "Camelot" Day Camp!

I'm Ready and Willing!

I'm Ready and Willing!

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing and/or Vegetable/Chip Dip

Honey Mustard Salad Dressing and/or Vegetable/Chip Dip

Here's a healthy, easy recipe that we love! It's great as a salad dressing or a dip for vegetables, chips, or crackers:

Blend together:
1/2 cup Miracle Whip (or mayonnaise if you prefer)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons regular mustard
2 tablespoons honey
2 drops doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil

Caution: Use only doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil. It's the only essential oil safe for internal use. It's benefits are remarkable, diverse, and well-documented. You can order Lemon doTERRA Essential Oil at my website:


The Key

Quote from The Eagles Song "Already Gone" 1974

Like the quote featured in the Post Register today:

~ Lyrics from The Eagles' song "Already Gone" 1974 ~

Reminds me of the lyrics of another old song:
~ Lyrics from "Brand New Key" by Melanie and Safra 1971 ~
Hope you find your "key" 
today and everyday! :)

A Pioneer Story: Life Sketch of Josephine Mauchley Bauman

A Pioneer Story: Life Sketch of Josephine Mauchley Bauman

In honor of the upcoming Pioneer Day I have transcribed the following life sketch of Josephine Mauchley Bauman, born November 30, 1844 in Switzerland, died February 13, 1935 in Driggs, Teton County, Idaho, buried in Providence City Cemetery, Cache County, Utah.

Josephine <i>Mauchley</i> Bauman 

By Her Daughter, Josephine B. Jensen

(Transcribed 7/9/14 from an unknown volume by Gayle B. Tingey, daughter-in-law of Mary Bauman Tingey)

Josephine Mauchley Bauman was born November 30, 1844 in Straubenzell Ct, St. Gallen, Switzerland, the daughter of Serge and Maria Kathrine Mauchley. Her childhood days were spent happy and contented on her father’s farm and in going to school. But, when she was twelve years of age her mother died leaving three children; Mother who was the eldest one, and a brother and sister. But, there were five other children in the family left from a former wife of her father which made eight children in all. And, in short time her father married again—a sister of her mothers’ who also had two sons. Now this is when Mother’s troubles began, as the step-mother was a very stern and harsh woman, and her two sons caused much harm among the older children; and in consequences one after another left home, which made it hard for the younger children to see their peaceful home thus broken up.

Their father, however, was very kind and indulgent with them, and did all he could to make home pleasant and saw to it that the children did not want for bread; for he owned a small farm and was able to make an independent living. Mother received a common school education and was brought up in the Catholic church, but when she was eighteen years of age, she, in connection with her father, step-mother, brother, sister, and one half-brother accepted the Gospel, and just as the bells were tolling the old year out and the new in, in 1863, they broke the ice of the river and were baptized and confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The people around there in those days were very prejudiced against the Saints and missionaries, and they had to hold their meetings in secret at the homes of the Saints and often had to abandon the singing for fear that they would be overheard and their meetings broken up by some lawless individuals. So they decided to emigrate.

The following May they started on their journey to America. They were over fifty days crossing the Atlantic, landing in New York City. From there they traveled by rail to Florence where they equipped themselves with ox teams, wagon and provisions, preparatory to crossing the great plains to Utah. After they had traveled three days they were called to part with their dearly beloved father, and with sorrowful hearts, they buried his body by the wayside, feeling that they had lost their best friend.

Now mother’s whole time was taken up in caring for her poor step-mother, for she had already taken sick on the ocean and continued bedfast the whole journey until, just three days before their arrival, she was also called to join the father on the other side. Thus, the children were left without father or mother in a strange land among strangers, and without any means of their own for support, for their father had been too liberal with his means in helping others to emigrate. Consequently, the children were separated and each had to go to strangers to seek employment.

Mother went to live with a family in Payson, Utah where she worked for her board and a few clothes for one year. Then, she was married on September 22, 1964, in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City, and lived in Sugar House Ward where Father worked in the woolen mills. Then, under the supervision of President Brigham Young, Mother was also employed there in winding bobbins. But, wages were so low and produce so high that it was very hard to keep the wolf from the door and get the bare necessities of life. Wheat was $7.00 a bushel, and, of course, everything else sold accordingly, and to make matters worse, Father was stricken with what was then called mountain fever and was bedfast for six weeks. Had it not been for a few bushels of wheat that Mother had gleaned herself the previous summer they would have had practically nothing to subsist upon, as the winter was a very severe one and what few potatoes they had were frozen. They suffered much from the cold also as wood was scarce and green at that.

January 2, 1865, their first son was born, and when he was seventeen months old they had the sorrow of having him drown in a pool of water near the house. They lived there three years and then moved to Midway, Wasatch County, where Father put up a loom to weave clothing for the destitute little children in the down.  And, here they were called again to part with their second son when eight months old, leaving them for the second time bereft of children. In those days they build their little huts in a circle in order to make a corral for their cattle, as the Indians were very hostile and would drive off and take whatever they could get hold of. But, later they became more friendly, and the people began to scatter out and build little cabins for themselves. These little cabins were very rude in the extreme, for the roof would let the rain in and the wind could be felt through the cracks of the wall, and nothing but the ground for a floor. Later they lived in a dugout which was somewhat warmer. They lived in Midway nine years, but a the winters were so severe they decided to move to Salt Lake and in the spring of 1877 moved to Cache County where Mother has lived ever since with the exception of two years that were spent in Ogden.

Mother was obliged to move a great many times until the home that she now occupies was purchased and in which she has lived for over thirty years. She is the mother of nine children, three having preceded her to the other side. She was left a widow February 28, 1904. She was a faithful wife and devoted mother, strictly honest and industrious, and always ready to give a helping hand wherever needed, and often going without herself to help others. She was first called as a teacher in the Relief Society in 1881 and has labored in that capacity off and on ever since. She bears a strong testimony to the truthfulness of the Gospel, has enjoyed having great manifestations through dreams in regard to her kindred dead, and has helped in obtaining a large record of her dead ancestors. She will have the joy when she meets her loved ones on the other side of having done the work for them. And, now at the age of seventy-one, she feels well and hearty and enjoys life and the association of her children and brethren and sisters. She has twenty-two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. 

Make the Ordinary Come Alive!


By Gregg Braden (No known familial relationship to me.)

Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives.

Such striving may seem admirable, but it is a way of foolishness.

Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life.

Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears.

Show them how to cry when pets and people die.

Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand.

And make the ordinary come alive for them.

The extraordinary will take care of itself.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Puppet Show Script

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Puppet Show Script

Once again I will be using my puppet show script of The Parable of the Good Samaritan at Activity Day today!

Adapted from New Testament Stories, Chapter 35, and Luke 10
Jewish Leader
Jewish Traveler
Robber #1
Robber #2
Jewish Priest
Inn Keeper
Audience Members

(By the wayside.)

Jesus told many stories, or parables, to help people learn the truth. One day a leader of the Jews asked Jesus a question.

Master, what must I do to have eternal life?

What do the scriptures say?

The scriptures say, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.”
That is right.
Who is my neighbor?
I will answer your question by telling you a story.

(Along the road to Jericho.)

I need to travel to the city of Jericho. I have to walk along a very dangerous road.(Walks, humming a tune like “Follow the Prophet.”)
Oh no! Here come some robbers! (Enter robbers.)

Let’s rob this man!
Yes, and then we can beat him up and leave him on the road to die.
(Struggle ensues, robbers exit, and then Jewish priest walks by the wounded man.)

I’m a Jewish priest. It looks like someone has been seriously beaten. I’ll walk by on the other side of the road so I won’t have to help him. (Passes by, and then a Levite enters.)

I see that injured man, but I’ve been working in the temple all day and don’t have time to stop and help him. I’ll just walk on the other side of the road. (Passes by, and then Samaritan enters.)

I am a Samaritan; my people don’t get along well with Jewish people. That’s because Jewish people hate Samaritans. Look! A Jewish man has been beaten and left to die. I feel sorry for him. I’ll put medicine on his wounds and put clothes on him. (Give medicine, dress man’s wounds.)
Now I’ll take him to an inn and take care of him until tomorrow morning. (Put man on donkey and exit.)

SCENE THREE: (At the inn.) 

I have to leave now, but here is some money to take care of this man. (Give money to Innkeeper.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

You are a Good Samaritan. I will take care of the man.

Thank you. If you need any more money I’ll pay you when I return. (Shake hands, exit Samaritan.)

Which of the three men was a good neighbor to the injured man? - The Priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan?

The Samaritan was because he had helped the wounded man.

Go and do likewise. Be like the Samaritan. (Exit.)

(Addressing audience.) Ladies and gentlemen, who do you think was the good neighbor to the injured man?  Why? (Accept answers.)
How can you be like the Good Samaritan and be a good neighbor to others?(Accept answers.)


What If I Fall?

The Switch Witch

The Switch Witch

Especially for Halloween
As the wife of a dentist I must share this idea!


Have you heard about the Switch Witch?

She wears a crooked hat;

She’s on the hunt for candy

To feed her naughty cat.

He likes the brightest lollipops,

The green chews and the blue,

And if you have some bubblegum

He’ll really want that too!

After trick or treating

Pick out some things to keep,

And then put into a bucket, things

To swap while you’re asleep.

Only when you’re snoozing

The Switch Witch will drop in

She’ll take out all the candy

And who knows what she’ll put in?

You might wake up and find a toy,

A book, or play-dough clay,

Something for your piggy bank,

Or a little game to play.

So give the witch your brightest treats

For her cat instead,

And in the morning you will find

A SWITCH upon your bed!

Our Christmas 2014 Squirrel - A True Story

Our Christmas 2014 Squirrel - A True Story

Our Christmas 2014 Squirrel - by Gayle B. Tingey (written in the cheesy style of cowboy poetry)

Well, I went downstairs on Christmas morn
To turn out the lights that Santa left on
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
After an unusual rustle fell on my ear,
But the bushy tail of a wild red squirrel
Fly through the air, so I screamed like a girl
Which made the thing run and hide in fear
That danger for him was lurking near.

Couldn’t say who was more alarmed,
Him or me, both of us unarmed.
A snarky remark was heard upstairs
Upon hearing her mother scream out prayers
My daughter’s comment like this went:
“Mom must have found a rodent.”

How the critter got in I don’t know
But I certainly wanted him to go
The unwelcome guest shot pellets galore
On the window sills and all over the floor
He had full reign of the entire basement
Including my dance studio, and he left a scent.

He chewed the curtains and ripped them down,
Squirrel signs were seen all around.
We tried different ways to catch the varmint;
Kirk set up traps, not wanting to harm it.
For a week in our basement, free to roam,
That pesky squirrel made himself at home.
On New Year’s Day his guard was down;
He got trapped alive and transported south of town.

Sanford Meisner Quotes on Acting

Favorite Sanford Meisner Quotes on Acting

“Life beats down and crushes our souls and theater reminds us that 
we have one, at least the type of theater I’m interested in — that is, theater that moves an audience. Actors have the opportunity to literally impact the lives of people if they work on material with integrity. But these days, most actors simply want to be famous. 
Being an actor was never supposed to be about fame and money. Being an actor is a calling because you've been given the ability,
the gift to inspire humanity. Think about that on the way to your soap opera audition.” 

"Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances."
"An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words."
"Find in yourself those human things which are reversible."